Robber Flies
Robber Flies, also sometimes called assassin flies, are as violent as their names imply. They are large, opportunistic predators which kill and eat just about any other insect they can. They have a short proboscis but use it to impale and liquefy their prey similar to assassin bugs (reduviidae). Robber flies come in many forms but are typically quite hairy with stout legs and long abdomen. Like some other families of diptera (the true flies), some species of asilidae imitate the shape and coloration of hymenoptera, usually eusocial (non-solitary) bees. However an astute viewer will not be fooled because hymenoptera have two pairs of wings while diptera have two. Many supposed bees the viewer has seen, if they are not an immediately familiar form such as the ubiquitous western honeybee, are likely in fact true flies - perhaps even these incredible predators!
- Unknown Asilidae in Texas (4 images)
Unknown Asilidae in Texas
"Robber Flies"
Images of Robber Flies